Dr Jacques Haddad

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10 facts about tuberous breasts

Do you know what tuberous breasts are? It is in fact a congenital malformation where a conical shape of the breasts is observed. Obviously, this anomaly comes in different forms and degrees. Here is what you need to know about tuberous breasts and the surgical options available.

1. Tuberous breasts can have significant physical and psychological impacts on women who are born with them.

2. Contrary to what one might think, this congenital malformation is quite common.

3. Often, this conical breast shape can improve with age or after having experienced one or more pregnancies.

4. In its simplest form, there is only a lack of roundness in the lower breast. The most severe form is characterised by a tubular breast herniated in a large nipple.

5. In the majority of cases, there is breast asymmetry associated with this problem

6. The consistency of the breast is firmer than normal. Often this firmness can be reduced by dispersing it to make the breast more suitable for a prosthesis.

7. The traditional treatment is to improve volume and shape by breast augmentation with nipple adjustment.

8. Breast augmentation can be done with round implants, but anatomical implants are usually more suitable for this breast shape.

9. This is a rather complex breast surgery. It should be mentioned that satisfactory results are sometimes difficult to achieve. It is important to be aware of this.

10. We encourage you to meet with us to discuss the challenges, the different techniques used, the limitations of this procedure and the possible outcomes.