nose surgery
Rhinoplasty technique
It affects the external aesthetic part of the nose: hump, deviation and tip of the nose. It also affects the functional part: breathing. The incisions are made on the inside with or without extension to the outside of the nose. Nose surgery can be combined with a chin implant to improve the harmony of the profile. The surgery is usually performed under general anaesthesia.
Rest, raise head, apply cold compresses to nose. Avoid straining and blowing your nose. There will be a wick in the nose for 24 to 48 hours. The brace and stitches will be removed the following week. The patient can expect bruising around the eyes, difficulty breathing through the nose, and bloody discharge for the first few days.
Short term after surgery: bleeding, severe swelling. Long term: suboptimal result, nasal deviation and obstruction. Persistent deformity of the nose.
Preparing for surgery
Stop smoking, avoid blood thinning medication. Respect the fasting required and take care to clean the skin well with an antiseptic soap.
What to watch for after surgery
Significant swelling, discharge.
Associated fees
from $8,500 (plus taxes)
6 months post-op rhinoplasty
6 months post-op rhinoplasty